Conference Sessions
See recordings of our 2021 conference proceedings below. Not all sessions were recorded.
Session 1A - Emerging Trends in Alternative Media
Andrew Ó Baoill, National University of Ireland, Galway: Steward or agitator: alternative media, ideology, and sustainability
Jeffrey Masko, Pennsylvania State, World Campus: Unmasking Mystification Online: Education in Political Economic Realities Through the Leftist Filmmakers' Adam Curtis and Scott Noble.
Nolan Higdon, University of California, Santa Cruz, Jen Lyons, University of Nevada, Reno: The Other Populist Media: An Exploratory Study of Prog-Left Media
Michael Buozis, Muhlenberg College: When conservative became alt in Philly”: Reactionary journalism and the rhetoric of whiteness
Opening Plenary - Un/Masking Media Power: Journalism and Propaganda in the Age of COVID
Nolan Higdon, CSU East Bay
Allison Butler, UMass Amherst
Mickey Huff, Diablo Valley Community College
Steve Macek, North Central College
Robin Andersen, Fordham University
Andy Lee Roth, Project Censored
Platform Organizing: Digital Labour, Digital Activism
Enda Brophy, Simon Fraser University Seamus Bright Grayer, Independent Scholar: Co-research in the Techlash
Brian Dolber, CSU San Marcos; Mark Dunn, Simon Fraser University: Platform Organizing and Media Spectacles: Framing the 2019 Uber and Lyft IPO Strikes
Catherine Jeffery, Simon Fraser University: Flexibility at Stake?: Investigating Corporate Claims on Prop 22
Danny Spitzberg, Turning Basin Labs, Tamara Kneese, University of San Francisco: Building Solidarity from Afar: How are Workers Organizing During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Lilly Irani, University of California, San Diego: “Workers’ Inquiry”: Rituals of Counter-hegemonic Organizing
Panel 2B: Structural Transformations in the Culture Industry and Global Political Economy
Tanner Mirrlees, University of Ontario Institute of Technology: Unmasking GAFAM’s Power: Marx and Foucault Go to Silicon Valley*
Only 1 presentation was recorded from this session
Book Launch Plenary: The Gig Economy: Workers and Media in the Age of Convergence
Brian Dolber, CSU San Marcos
Michelle Rodino-Colocino, Pennsylvania State University
Chenjerai Kumanyika, Rutgers University
Todd Wolfson, Rutgers University
Presenting Contributors:
Aayush Rathi, Centre for Internet and Society
Ambika Tandon, Centre for Internet and Society
John L. Sullivan, Muhlenberg College
Randy Nichols, University of Washington-Tacoma
Tamara Kneese, University of San Francisco
2021 Dallas Smythe Lecture
2021 Dallas Smythe Award Recipient: Dr. Chenjerai Kumanyika, Rutgers University
Introduction by: Matt McAllister
Poem - Welcome to the Terrordome - by Demetrius Noble
Panel 5A: Media Industries as Sites of Struggle
Nicole Cohen, University of Toronto: New Media Unions: Journalists Organize in a Time of Crisis
Alicia Kozma, Washington College: Masking MeToo in Hollywood: The Embeddedness of Abuse in Hollywood Labor Cultures
Jennifer Proffitt, Florida State University, Christopher Garcia, Florida State University:
“UNIONIZE I DARE YOU:” Labor, Neoliberalism, and Hypermasculinity in the Case of Barstool Sports
Michelle Hurtubise, Temple University: Indigenizing with Kin Theory, making new tables in media industries
Session 5B - Digital Democracy?: Possibilities and Pitfalls in Politics and Finance
Aaron Heresco, California Lutheran University: New Financial Literacies : Gamestop, Dogecoin, and the Play of Financial Activism
Savannah Wilkerson, Florida State University: Weaponization of Social Media: How the financial interests of Facebook corrupts democracy
Monica Jean Henderson, University of Toronto: Unmasking digital citizenship: Digital infrastructure, literacies, and the practice of democratic freedom
Rhon Teruelle, Purdue University: The Lamplighter Project on Twitter: Tactical use of social media for police whistleblowers
Session 6B - Critical Pedagogy in Critical Times: What We Learned from Online Learning
Chris Demaske, Associate Professor, University of Washington Tacoma
David Gracon, Assistant Professor, Gonzaga University
Randy Nichols, Associate Professor, University of Washington Tacoma
Anis Rahman, Assistant Teaching Professor, University of Washington Seattle
Nicole Stewart, Doctoral Candidate, Simon Fraser University & Sessional Faculty, University of the Fraser Valley
Rachel Guldin, Doctoral Candidate, University of Oregon
Closing Plenary - A Return to Sut Jhally’s 2018 Dallas Smythe Keynote Address: Stuart Hall’s Legacy for Media Studies: Conjunctures, Critique, and Political Projects
Christina Ceisel, California State University, Fullerton: “The Popularization of Critique: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love Teen Vogue”
William E. Yousman, Sacred Heart University: “‘Something nasty down below’: Stuart Hall and the contradictions of “so-called cultural studies” in the post-pandemic era”
Steve Macek, North Central College: "Making Knowledge Matter": The Academy, Cultural Studies, the Public and Politics.
Robert F. Carley, Texas A&M University, College Station: “Conjunctural Analysis, Political Organizations, and ‘Organic’ Concepts: Metaconjuncture”
Sut Jhally, University of Massachusetts, Amherst: Panel Respondent