Union for Democratic Communications

Dr. Brian Murphy Student Paper Award

The Brian Murphy Student Paper Award is named in honor of Brian Murphy, a long-time UDC’er who had a passion for mentoring graduate students. At each conference, an award is presented, in bearing Brian’s name, to a graduate student paper that best exemplifies the spirit of the Union for Democratic Communications. The winning paper should demonstrate:

  • A clear of research purpose and method;

  • A critical disposition;

  • A well organized that recognizes key contributions in the field while pushing forward the work of critical scholarship.

Graduate students interested in submitting their materials for the Brian Murphy Student Paper Award should do the following:

  1. Submit 2 versions of your full paper to support@democraticcomm.org. Be sure to include “Brian Murphy Student Paper Award” in the subject line

    1. The first version of your paper should include abstract, name, and institutional affiliation

    2. The second version should be deidentified (no mention of the author or author’s institution) for the purpose of blind review

The winning paper will receive recognition at the conference and a small award as congratulations.

An image of Dr. Brian Murphy

What We Do

UDC 2021 Virtual Conference

UDC 2023 Conference Has Been Announced!


Every 18 Months we hold a conference where communication scholars and activists can share their research and experiences fighting for social, economic, and political justice. Established, emerging, and new scholars are welcome to submit abstracts and participate in our conference proceedings

Peer-Reviewed Journal, the Communique

Peer-Reviewed Journal, the Communique


Our journal, the Democratic Communique, is focused on critical media analysis. Topics range from legal critical legal studies to analysis of race/class/gender, to considerations of media content, industries, and consumers. We are also interested in book reviews on recently published works pertaining to critical media studies.

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Join the UDC for Updates and Social Platforms


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